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Nine Network Report, 60 Minutes Spies, Lords and Predators (VO)

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It’s shaping up to be the biggest political scandal in Britain’s history. There is new evidence that some of the country’s most respected men were in fact depraved paedophiles. Leaders that were preying on children as young as eight and nine. Many of the kids were trafficked from state-run homes and other institutions to be abused by MPs, Lords, and spies. They were protected from on high by a secret code, and have never been held to account for their horrific crimes. 60 Minutes investigates the scandal and the cover up, speaks to the victims and the witnesses, and confronts a member of the notorious paedophile information exchange. Reporter Ross Coulthart also reveals how children were killed in order to protect this network of predators – and how the driver to the Australian High Commissioner could hold the key to blowing this case wide open.

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Freeman Tv Satanic Pedophile Rings

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Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse (I) – ‘Fact Finding’ 3 March 2015 Royal Courts of (No)Justice

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Cliquez sur le petit drapeau anglais en haut à droite pour consulter ce document sur la version anglaise de Pedopolis.

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Cathyfox Un jeu de cartes des pédocriminels anglais

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Cliquez sur le petit drapeau anglais en haut à droite pour consulter ce document sur la version anglaise de Pedopolis.

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The Wow Report The Instagram Art of Mathu Andersen Gallery Opening Tonight at The World of Wonder Storefront Gallery

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Cliquez sur le petit drapeau anglais en haut à droite pour consulter ce document sur la version anglaise de Pedopolis.

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Children in Scotland have been filmed being murdered by paedophiles in so-called ‘snuff movies’

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Russia Today Satanic books handed to US kids after religious freedom ruling

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Cliquez sur le petit drapeau anglais en haut à droite pour consulter ce document sur la version anglaise de Pedopolis.

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Satanists want your children! (Infowars)

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Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD? (Liberianobserver, 9 Septembre 2014)

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Expériences d’ADN Animales Humaines horrifiantes – Transhumanisme et Hybrides (vaderetrosatanasrexsumegodieu, 8 Juillet 2014)

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Cambridge Conference: ‘Paedophilia is Natural and Normal for Males’ (Breitbart, 7 Juillet 2014)

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About 40 politicians on UK pedophile ring: Report (PressTV, 5 Juillet 2014)

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