Archives de catégorie : Europa

Police probe into historic paedophile ring reveals 140 victims allege abuse by 84 people at 18 care homes across North Wales

One of Britain’s biggest child abuse scandals is likely to have been even larger than previously thought, police revealed yesterday.

Dozens of former residents of North Wales children’s homes have given detectives ‘graphic’ accounts of appalling abuse at the hands of 84 staff – most of whom have never been prosecuted.

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HBO Report Child of Rage

Prior to the film’s release, a 1990 documentary entitled Child of Rage: A Story of Abuse was produced by Gaby Monet based on interviews conducted with the film’s real-life inspiration, Beth Thomas. It aired on HBO as part of their America Undercover series. The film consists of interviews with Beth Thomas, followed by footage of her treatment and partial recovery at a treatment center for children.

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