Archives de catégorie : COUNTRIES

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The Nation The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

Reframing the CIA’s interrogation techniques as a violation of scientific and medical ethics may be the best way to achieve accountability.

Human experimentation was a core feature of the CIA’s torture program. The experimental nature of the interrogation and detention techniques is clearly evident in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s executive summary of its investigative report, despite redactions (insisted upon by the CIA) to obfuscate the locations of these laboratories of cruel science and the identities of perpetrators.

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Cathyfox Top Trumps – British Nonces

The more information we have the better chance we have of preventing child abuse.

I am not entering the debate about whether cards should be on sale or not, as that would be a distraction from my intention of providing the information that is on the cards. I do however provide some links about it below.

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Dailymail Paedophile orgies in luxury flats and claims three boys were murdered by VIPs: Special report into the growing stench of a cover-up by the Establishment

 Inquiry: Dolphin Square, where boys are said to have been taken for sex sessions in the 1970s and 1980s  (Picture)

The claim was as clear as it was chilling: behind the genteel façade of one of London’s most famous apartment blocks, children faced abuse on an industrial scale.

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Vigilantcitizen Amanda Bynes Tweets About Father’s Abuse and Microchip in Her Brain; Now Under Involuntary Psychiatric Hold

Amanda Bynes outside of LAX on Friday, October 10th (Picture)

Amanda Bynes posted a series of tweets about her father sexually abusing her and a microchip inside her brain. She was then taken to a hospital in Los Angeles by Sam Lutfi – Britney Spears’ ex-handler who was around her when she had her infamous meltdown.

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Guillaume Leroy Blogspot Les pédocriminels deviennent pères pour avoir des droits sur les enfants (procréation naturelle, GPA ou adoption)

Cet article relate une affaire récente dans laquelle un pédocriminel australien ayant 22 condamnations pour abus sexuels sur enfants a fait une GPA en Thaïlande.

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Society X Report Was Jimmy Savile a Wizard ?

An investigation into Jimmy Savile’s connections to Aleister Crowley and Magick.

The reason for the recent inactivity of the 5ociety X blog is because we have been busy producing the full version of our documentary ‘Was Jimmy Savile a Wizard?’ that we released in beta last year.

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